Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Metamorphosis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Metamorphosis - Essay Example He lived to find food, provide shelter, eat rubbish, just to survive and protect the species. According to Karen Bernardo's commentary (n.d.), his metamorphosis confronted him with "the greater questions of existence." When Gregor awoke to find himself "transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin" (Kafka, 1), he reacted as if he had to work and fulfill his duty, a surprising attitude, in the circumstances. Instead of being horrified at the changes in his body, Gregor dealt with it, first as a dream, then just an odd transformation that would not stop him from working and being the same person. He continued to think of ways to get over the problem and get to work, which is a confusing reaction for the reader, as it was a terrifying situation to be in. It was absurd that he continued to think and feel as both beetle and man, but in reality, the person who was Gregor still existed, trapped in that awful body. The metamorphosis gave him time to think and examine his life, the family, and his own place in the world and showed he was still human. When his mother and sister cleared out his room, he felt "they weretaking away everything that was dear to him" (Kafka, 24). He crept out to listen to Grete's music, asking "Was he an animal if music could captivate him so" (Kafka, 33).

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Strategies of Inventory Administration

Strategies of Inventory Administration AQuestion 1: Answer: INTRODUCTION Inventory management is a characteristic piece of your business that you certainly would prefer not to mess around with. The accompanying are some normal inventory management methods conveyed by associations along with their inventory   holding expenses and potential benefits. Youd most likely require a mix of various strategies for the best approach for your business This inventory management method dispenses with the cost of holding inventory   inside and out. When you have a dropshipping agreement, you can specifically exchange client requests and shipment points of interest to your maker or distributer, who then ships the merchandise straightforwardly to your clients. Along these lines you dont need to keep products in inventory , get the chance to save money on forthright inventory   expenses, and advantage from a positive income cycle. A procedure like dropshipping where both techniques rule out the requirement for distribution centers or work expenses and dangers required with inventory   taking care of, cross-docking is a practice where approaching semi-trailer trucks or railroad autos empty materials specifically onto outbound trucks, trailers, or rail autos with next to zero inventory piling in the middle. (inventory-management) Types of inventory Management Every business includes of their inventory   of company, the material that they offer for sale and any other important material that is realy important for running their business. For maintaining small business there is less need of inventory than large business. Coming up short on products implies you will be unable to take care of demand, while having excessively numerous merchandise implies your cash is tied up in inventory   that you can not offer. Raw Materials This sort of inventory   consists any merchandise utilized as a part of the assembling procedure, for example, components use to assemble a completed item. Raw materials may consist completed merchandise or materials. For instance, for a orange juice organization, oranges, sugar and additives are raw materials; while for a PC producer, chips, circuit sheets and diodes are raw materials. Inventory things might be named raw materials if the association has bought them from an outside organization, or if they are utilized to make components. Work-in-Process Work-in-process inventory   things are those materials and parts that are holding up to be made into something else. These may consist halfway collected things that are holding up to be finished. Work-in-process inventory   things may consist completed merchandise that have not yet been packed and reviewed, and in addition raw materials that have moved from capacity to a preassembly area. For instance, in a orange juice organization, the oranges may come into a capacity zone, where they are raw products, but once they have been moved out of the capacity range and onto the sequential construction system for squeezing, they get to be work-in-process inventory . In a little organization, work-in-process goods might be put away in in the same area as raw materials and completed products. Finished Goods Finished goods   are any items that are prepared to be transported out or sold specifically to clients, including to wholesalers and retailers. Completed products might hold up in a capacity zone or on a shop floor. In the event that the measure of inventory   of Finished goods increase quicker that the measure of raw products and work-in-process products, then creation may need to back off until more completed merchandise are sold. In a few organizations, merchandise are excluded in the completed products inventory   until they are sold. For instance, in organizations where products are made to arrange.(types-inventory-organization) Ordering, holding, and lack costs make up the three principle classifications of inventory related expenses. These groupings broadly separate the a wide range of inventory   costs that exist, and below we will identify and describe a few cases of the different sorts of cost in every class. (-inventory-ordering-holding-and-shortage-costs) Ordering costs Ordering costs, also   called setup expenses, are basically costs acquired each time you submit a request. Illustrations include: Clerical expenses of preparing buy orders There are so many type of clerical costs, for example, receipt preparing, bookkeeping, and correspondence costs. Cost of finding providers and assisting orders Costs spent on these will probably inconsistent, but they are vital costs for the business. Transportation costs The expenses of moving the merchandise to the distribution center or store. These expenses are highly variable across different industries and items. Accepting expenses These include expenses of unloading goods at the distribution center, and reviewing the merchandise to ensure they are the right things and free of defectss. Cost of electronic information exchange   These are systems used by large organizations and particularly retailers, which permit requesting process expenses to be altogether  reduced. Holding costs As known called carrying costs, these are costs required with putting away inventory   before it is sold. Inventory   financing costs This consists everything identified with the investment made in inventory , including costs like interest on working capital. Financing expenses can be complex relying upon the business. Opportunity cost of the cash invested into inventory   This is found by figuring in the lost options of tying cash up in inventory , for example, putting resources into term stores or common assets. Storage space costs These are costs identified with where the inventory   is stored, and will change by area. There will be the cost of the storeroom itself, or rent installments if it is not claimed. At that point there are office preservation costs like lighting, warming, and ventilation. Inventory   services costs This consists the cost of the physical handling of the products, and protection, security, and IT equipment, and applications if these are utilized. Costs identified with inventory   control and cycle counting are further cases. Inventory   risk costs A major cost is shrinkage, which is the loss of items between buying from the provider and last deal because of any number of reasons: burglary, seller extortion, shipping mistakes, harm in travel or capacity. The other fundamental case is out of date quality, which is the cost of products going past their utilization by dates, or generally getting to be distinctly obsolete. (inventory-costs) Shortage Costs These costs, additionally got inventory -out expenses, happen when organizations get to be distinctly out of inventory   for reasons unknown. Disrupted production When the business includes delivering merchandise and in addition offering them, a deficiency will mean the business should pay for things like sit still specialists and industrial facility overhead, notwithstanding when nothing is being created. Emergency   shipments For retailers, inventory -outs could mean paying additional to get a shipment on time, or evolving providers. Client faithfulness and notoriety These expenses are difficult to pinpoint, yet there are positively losses to these when clients can not get their wanted item or administration on time. (inventory-cost) Economic Order Quantity:   Economic order quantity is the level of inventory that limits the level inventory holding expenses and requesting costs. It is one of the most seasoned traditional generation planning models. The structure used to decide this request amount is otherwise called Wilson EOQ Model or Wilson Formula. The model was produced by F. W. Harris in 1913. Yet at the same time R. H. Wilson, an expert who connected it widely, is given acknowledgment for his right on time top to bottom investigation of the model. EOQ is basically a bookkeeping equation that decides the time when the mix of request expenses and inventory conveying expenses are the slightest. The outcome is the most practical amount to arrange. In acquiring this is known as the request amount, in assembling it is known as the generation part estimate. The essential Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) recipe is as per the following: EOQ can be determined by applying the following commonly used formula:(models-of-inventory-management) Q = 2UxP/S Where: Q = Economic Ordering Quantity (EOQ) U = Quantity purchased in a year or month P = Cost of placing an order S = Annual or monthly cost of storage of one unit known as carrying cost. Let us illustrate this with an imaginary example: Let us assume the following data for a firm: Annual requirements 800 units Ordering Cost (per order) Rs. 50 Carrying Cost (per unit) Rs. 100 Now, using the EOQ formula, EOQ quantity will be as follows: EOQ = 2 x 800 x 50/2 = 80,000/2 = 40,000 = 200 Units Yearly USAGE Expressed in units, this is for the most part the simplest piece of the condition. Firm can just utilize its guage yearly use information for computational purposes. CARRYING COST Also called Holding Cost, carrying cost is the cost related with having inventory available. It is basically made up of the expenses related with the inventory investment and storage cost. With the end goal of the EOQ computation, if the cost does not change based upon the amount of inventory available it ought not be included in carrying cost. In the EOQ recipe, conveying expense is spoken to as the yearly cost per normal close by inventory unit. Minimum-Maximum Technique: The minimum maximum framework is regularly utilized as a part of association with manual inventory control frameworks. The base amount in addition to the ideal parcel measure., a demand is started when a withdrawal diminishes the inventory beneath the base level; the request amount is the most extreme short the inventory status after the withdrawal. In the event that the last withdrawal lessens the inventory level significantly beneath the base level, the request amount will be longer than the computed EOQ.The adequacy of a base most extreme framework is controlled by the strategy and accuracy with which the base and greatest parameters are built up. In the event that these parameters are based upon self-assertive judgments with a constrained premise, the framework will be restricted in its viability. In the event that the base depend on a target balanced premise, the framework can be extremely compelling. Two-bin Technique: One of the oldest systems of inventory control is the two bin system which is adopted to control C group inventories. In the two bin system, inventory   of each item is separated into two bins. One bin includess inventory , just sufficient to last from the date a new order is placed until it is received in inventory. The other bin contains a amount of inventory   enough to assure possible demand through the time of replenishment. CONCLUSION Inventory means inventory . It consists raw material, work in advance, completed items, spares in order to meet unexpected demand of clients. It additionally consists upkeep , repairs and working gadgets. There are a few strategies of inventory administration control like EOQ investigation, perpectual inventory, two receptacle procedure, GOLF, SOS methods and so on. Be that as it may, the best method is without a moment to spare examination and EOQ procedure which knows how much amount is required in future. Task B   Question 2: Question 2: 8 0.18 Question 2: 8 0.18 y=a+b b=Æ ©xy-nxyÃÅ'†¦/Æ ©x ²-nxÃÅ'†¦Ã‚ ² b= 38.60-12(144/12)(2.77/12)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2072-(12/2072) 3.86-33.24     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2071.99   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   = 5.36/2071.99 = 0.002586 a=yÃÅ'†¦-bxÃÅ'†¦ y/n b(x/n) = 2.77/12 0.002586 (144/12) = 2.77/12 0.031032 = 0.1998 Y = a+bx So, here x is = 10 million Y = 0.1998 + (0.002586)(10)   Ã‚  Ã‚   = 0.1998 + 0.02586 = 0.2256 million. Q.3) a) weighted average forecast weight= .40 = (43*.1)+(44*.2)+(42*03)+41*.1) =4.3+8.8+12.6+16.4 =42.1 Weight= .30 = (44*.1)+( 42*.2) +(41*.3)+ (45*.4) = 4.4+8.4+12.3+18 =43.1 Weight =.20 = (42*.1)+ (41*.2)+ (45*.3)+ 39*.4) = 4.2+ 8.2+ 13.5+15.6 =41.5 b) if actual demand for stage 6 is 39 then demand for stage 7 will 41.5 =(42*.1)+ (41*.2) +(45*.3)+(39*.4) =4.2+8.2+13.5+15.6 =41.5 Q.4   When ÃŽ ±=0.10 When ÃŽ ±=0.30 Solution: Ft+1 = Ft + a(At Ft) inventory-cost. (n.d.). Retrieved from inventory-costs. (n.d.). Retrieved from inventory-management. (n.d.). Retrieved from -inventory-ordering-holding-and-shortage-costs. (n.d.). Retrieved from models-of-inventory-management. (n.d.). Retrieved from types-inventory-organization. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Role of Fate in William Shakespeares The Tragedy of Romeo and Juli

The Role of Fate in William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet 'Romeo and Juliet', the first romantic tragedy was based on a poem translated from the French 'Novella' (1595). Romeo Montague, who is in love with Rosaline, goes to a party in an attempt to take his mind off her. At this party he meets Juliet Capulet and immediately falls in love with her. Later he finds out that she is a Capulet, the rival family of the Montagues. He decides that he loves her in spite of this, and so does Juliet. They confess their love for each other during the very famous balcony scene in which they agree to secretly marry the next day. Friar Laurence agrees to marry them in an attempt to end the fight between the families. Unfortunately, the fight between the Montagues and the Capulets gets worse and Mercutio (Romeo's best friend) ends up in a fight with Tybalt (Juliet's cousin). Tybalt kills Mercutio, which causes Romeo to kill Tybalt in a fit of rage. For this, Prince (the Chief of Police) banishes Romeo from Verona. Juliet Capulet, according to her parents' wish, is to be married off to Paris. She does not want to marry him so she arranges with Friar Laurence to fake her own death with a sleeping potion that will make everyone think that she is dead. Friar Laurence promises to send word to Romeo to meet her when the potion wears off and to take her to Mantua (where Romeo is residing, after being banished from Verona). Unfortunately, Romeo does not receive this message on time and upon hearing of her death, he goes to Juliet's empty tomb where he drinks poison and dies. When Juliet's potion wears off, she awakens to find her lover's corpse... .... If Romeo hadn't gone to the party, he would never have met Juliet who would have been married off to Paris. In this case, the story would not have taken place. While going to the party, Romeo feels that he would die at an early age. His negative thinking could also have been an 'incentive' to his own death. Romeo and Juliet decide to get married. This is a wrong decision in the play but is decided by fate. Friar Laurence made the biggest blunder of all by agreeing to get them married. If Romeo had controlled himself and not killed Tybalt, he would not have been banished from Verona. This would prevent another worry to his tragic love life; crime. By killing Tybalt, Romeo Montague became a criminal and a fugitive. "From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life."

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Adapting to Modern Society

Adapting to Modern Times Today, there are various radio stations that are broadcasted throughout Tanzania. However, from the 1950s until the mid-1990s, Radio Tanzania was the country’s sole station, consisting of music, poetry, drama, and speeches. There are currently more than 15,000 reels of these tapes that are sitting on the shelves of the BBC building in Dar es Salaam. Reviving the Radio Tanzania Archives is a project that has a goal of digitizing and preserving these tapes before they are destroyed.Throughout reading the booklet by the Heritage Project and after listening to the NPR segment, I noticed a common theme of indigenization of modernity. I argue that the project is using modern technology in order to preserve traditional ways. This topic has also been an important concept of the papers by Christen and Hodgson. In order to reach their goal, the people of the Tanzania Heritage project must use modern knowledge to convert the reel tapes into digital material. When they are able to make this conversion, they will be exemplifying the act of using modern ways in order to preserve traditions.The traditions that they are preserving refer to the history that is embedded in the forms of media that were broadcasted on the radio. According to the Heritage Project, Radio Tanzania was â€Å"both a key instrument of the state and public service, used as a tool for promoting unity and national pride through music† (booklet:8). The Radio represented more than just entertainment, it was involved in politics, and social relations as well. In the NPR segment, they state that the Radio was strictly Tanzanian, a station that was sung by and for the Tanzanian people.The station represents the purity of the Tanzanians without the influence from other institutions. In reproducing these tapes through digitization, people from all different parts of the world will be able to experience a part of the Tanzanian past. The restoration of them allows the Tanzania n tradition to live on indefinitely. Another important concern for the Heritage Project is for the future generations of Tanzania. The co-founder, Benson Rukantabula, hopes that â€Å"If we digitize the archives, they (younger generation) can know where they lost their way†(booklet:13).By using the modern technology to preserve the archives, the project hopes to inspire future generations to create music based on traditional values. King Kiki, one of the legends of the Radio Tanzania era, still plays to sold-out crowds weekly. Another artist of the radio, John Kitime also continues to play live shows throughout Tanzania. The fact that both of these men are still playing to live audience signifies how valuable the music still is. This type of music is also known as Swahili Jazz music, and it was the most popular form of Tanzanian music from the 1960s until the mid-1990s.One important feature of this type of music, according to the co-founder of the Tanzanian Heritage Project, is that you do not have to know the Swahili language to appreciate the music. The project believes in the universality of music, and how it crosses cultural barriers. If more of this music was available for people, then people would naturally begin to recognize the traditional rhythms and melodies of Tanzanian history. The broadcast of this music would increase the influence of traditional Tanzanian culture worldwide. The compact disc of the Warumungu women is also an example of the indigenization of modernity. The recorded songs define Warumungu women’s ancestral relations, their ongoing community status, and their continued relation to specific sets of country† (Christen:417). It is only with the compact disc, which is the product of modern society, that they are able to spread this music and their traditions internationally. To show the goal of reaching outside cultures, there is an insert that includes both English and Warumungu, in which the women voice their tradi tions, and explain their decision to put the disc into circulation.This insert gives a long history to the reader, and allows them an inside perspective of Warumungu history. Along with broadcasting nationally, this music is also recognized locally, and it is a central goal of the Warumungu women to create a new generation of â€Å"red-orcher women. † The disc was an important source of security for the Warumungu women, to ensure them that their younger generation would recognize and notice their ancestor’s traditions. In addition to the women’s desire to show their traditions to outside cultures and to their own younger generation, they were also aware of the economic benefit that the disc had for them.Nappanangka, a senior Warumungu women said that her â€Å"expectation is that the compact disc’s circulation will increase her power as a ‘red-orcher woman’ while also helping her pay for a new Toyota Land Cruiser† (Christen:424). With the success of the compact disc, the women were hoping for recognition as well as some economic benefit; both of which would help their society. In conclusion, the Warumungu women used the compact disc in order to protect their future generations and to preserve their own customs.The Maasai culture has experienced rapid change throughout its history. In the past, the Maasai culture was ignored because of its primitive ways. Recently, since the tourism industry has become a significant business, the Tanzanian nation-state officials have begun to recognize the Maasai, and use their authentic lifestyle to attract tourists. The Maasai have used this recognition â€Å"to their own advantage, linking current efforts to protect their lands and livelihoods and access development resources to global campaigns for the rights of indigenous peoples†(Hodgson:135).Their cultural lifestyle is being preserved due to the modern theme of tourism. In addition, the Maasai culture has experienced a shifting of roles of masculinities over many years. Traditionally, the Maasai culture has been associated with pastoralism and a dominant warrior-like masculinity. In the past, when a Maasai adopted certain forms of modernity, they were called â€Å"Ormeek†, which was associated with weakness and ignorance. However, the word Ormeek now takes on a more positive meaning and is valued and respected.Most of the Maasai community has learned that education is a key to the future, and Maasai men â€Å"want to educate all of their children so that they can survive in what they perceive as a rapidly changing world† (Hodgson:140). With this education, the Maasai are able to get jobs in the government, and are able to have a voice for the Maasai people. The older generation depends on the younger generation to take care of them, because of the great power that education has in their society. However, although they are adopting these new ways, many of the Maasai people continue to incorporate traditional ways into their daily routines.The social relations of the Maasai culture have basically remained the same, although education has been a key component that has been added. In conclusion, while adapting to modern ways, the Maasai culture has still maintained many of their traditional values, while also using newfound forms of education to provide new advancements for their culture. Reviving the Radio Tanzania Archives is a project with a goal much like that of the Warumungu women. Although the world is advancing, they are trying to preserve their traditions, and make them available worldwide. They do not want to lose heir past due to changing society; they want to recreate it so it can help future generations and inspire them. The Maasai also recognize that they are living in a changing world, and they are beginning to use new forms of education in order to promote their culture to outsiders. All three pieces of work share a commonality of trying to prese rve traditional means by using modern technology. Even though they are aware the world around them is unpredictable, they are not ready to forget their traditions, and step in line with modern times completely. They will use modern means in order to preserve the traditions that they wish to protect.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Communication for organizations Essay

The Internet was introduced to the world not too long ago. However, since it’s introduction, it has since grown at an amazing rate. People now source the Internet for information, research, and recently, even shopping. Faster modem speeds have caused more people to rely on the Internet as information can be found at an amazing speed. In today’s business world, it has now become essential for a company to have Internet access. There are very few businesses today that do not have their own websites and e-mail address from which the public can contact them. Below is an analysis of how the Internet has changed communications for organisations. In the past, communications within organisations were mostly done either by the word of mouth or by writing memos. By word of mouth, when people wanted to communicate with a person within the office, he had to either go to the desk to tell the respective person the message or do it through the phone. However, one problem with this is that the message might get distorted when passing from one person to another. Furthermore, when passing a message by word of mouth, there is no written evidence of what was said. As such, it would be very difficult to track the agreements made within the 2 parties later on. Another way people used to communicate within organisations without the Internet were by passing memos. They would simply write a memo with their intended message to their colleague and leave it on the person’s desk or in-tray. However, these memos give a person excessive paperwork and very often, the person’s desk will be filled up with memos. As a result of this, these memos very often get lost and thus lose its credibility. Companies also had a hard time communicating with people outside their office organisation, especially with overseas branches. One of the ways includes using the method known as â€Å"snail† mail today. They would send their letters over to their counterparts overseas via mail. Not only did this include a very high cost, this was often a very slow way of communication. A mail would take a minimum of 3 days before it would reach its recipient This is a very time consuming way of communication and could cost a company a lot of money in this fast moving business world. Should a company need to send documents out immediately, one of the ways they could do it was via fax. This method, though faster than mail, was still very slow. Fax quality is also not known to be of high. The cost incurred by faxing was also very high. A fax to an overseas country was calculated as the same rate as an overseas call. There is also no evidence that the document has been faxed over and conflicts may occur. Basically, communications for organisations without Internet was usually too slow or limited in terms of capacity of information that could be sent over. High costs for postage or faxing were also incurred in these ways. Since the introduction of the Internet, communications within organisations is now made easier. The Internet has provided us with E-mails, chat rooms, as well as Internet-to-handphone communications. Furthermore, these programs also provide official records of agreements and conversational exchanges. E-mails and chat transcripts are recognized by the civil court, thus adding validity and trust to the communication process. E-mails are almost instantaneous, ensuring no waste of time in the communication process. An e-mail that was sent in Singapore today can be received in another country across the world within seconds. With today’s fast moving business world, speed in communication is essential and there is a need for real-time information. The E-mail provides a very good solution to this problem. The Internet also provides us with chat programs such as MSN Messenger, ICO and AOL. These programs allow 2 users who are countries apart to communicate to each other instantaneously. They would be able to know how negotiations across the world are going on and thus be able to make the necessary decisions. Furthermore, these programs also allow multi-user chat. This enables many people, all in different countries, to form a discussion and to trade information. These programs also have the function of adding a web camera and mike. As such, it would be just like a videoconference. However, the best point of all this is that companies incurs little cost for this.  These programs are easily downloaded from the Internet and all the company has to pay for is the net time that they use. The Internet also allows file transfers between 2 people. As such, Word documents, Excel spreadsheets and Access databases can be e-mailed from one person to another. This would help a company who is spread across different countries. Company branches around the world could transfer files over to the headquarters who can compile them and access their businesses around the world. The Internet has also made communications between the company and the public a lot easier. Most organisations already have their own website that provides more information to the public about their goods and services. They would provide information on the goods/services that they are selling with probably a description and price. The public could then research the company up on their own instead of calling up the company to find out this information. Usually, they would also provide, on their website, a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) about their company to answer the public’s queries. Most organisations now also have E-mails with which the public can reach them. All these would save them the manpower required to answer phone calls and channel it to better uses. In general, without the use of the Internet, most of the communication was done either verbally or using â€Å"hard-copy† means. As mentioned before, a verbal means of communication lacked written â€Å"black-and-white† evidence of the conversation and a lot is relied on the integrity of the people involved. Hard copy means were also not a very good means of communications, as it would cause excessive paperwork. Furthermore, once the hard copy documents are either lost or destroyed accidentally, it would be impossible to trace it back. The Internet has brought with it an ability to transfer documents via soft copy, enabling the recipient to make any necessary amendments to the documents. The Internet also allows companies to communicate better with its customers and the public. It enables customers to communicate with the company without having to personally go to the company’s location. The Internet has brought about many changes in the way communications are made within organisations. It has made communication more efficient and has also brought down the cost of communications for companies. It is no wonder that more and more companies are looking to the Internet to solve their communication problems.