Friday, January 3, 2020

Essay on Technical Illiteracy and Its Impact on Society

Technical illiteracy â€Å"In a digital age, we must learn how to make the software, or risk becoming the software† by Rush off (Rushkoff). This quotation helps in the paper to support our points against the technical illiteracy and its impact on the society. We are living in the 21st century, we use the benefits of scientific progress, and we consider ourselves civilized people. The future of society is not only to learn new skills, operate a computer, not only become a modern illiterate, but also to make life and work extremely inconvenient. Illiteracy is the illiterate people. The same is true in various dictionary definitions. Literacy and the written word do not bring some impact on their lives and survival. The age criterion is paramount†¦show more content†¦Internet illiterate† is the word for everyone, but still quite strange, maybe someone will ask: What is an â€Å"Internet illiterate â€Å"? In fact, back in 2005 , when the United Nations has defined three new century i lliterate standards : the first is not literacy people, this is an old illiterate in the traditional sense ; second category is not recognized by modern society symbol ( i.e. map , graphs , etc. ) people ; third category is not using the computer for learning, communication and management of people , which is now the Internet illiterate . Modern science and technology advances, brilliant; rapid development of economic construction, with each passing day. Although the computer is a machine that is only an auxiliary tool only, but now has a variety of resources on the Internet. Internet for a long time already won a strong position not only among professional activities, but also became one of the most well-liked sources of entertainment. The Internet network is communication with the world via the keyboard that is using the written language, which means that the Internet and literacy are closely linked; hardly anyone dares to challenge this assertion (Park). People with Internet illiteracy do not know what is the e-reputation, privacy for him is a joke, its wall is open to the public, it fits everywhere and his inbox is flooded with spam, it shares everything that looks interesting (or not), shocking,Show MoreRelatedThe Issue and History of Illiteracy Among African Americans1510 Words   |  7 PagesThe Issue And History Of Illiteracy Among African Americans Becca White Writing 123 Instructor Sydney Darby 27 May 2008 Illiteracy is a growing issue in America. The U.S. Department of Education funded the National Adult Literacy Survey (NALS) in 1992 that estimates over 90 million Americans fall well below an eight grade literacy level (Rome, 2004, pp. 84). 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