Saturday, January 11, 2020

Personal Leadership Plan Essay

Aspiring to be a Life Coach upon receiving my degree in Human Services, I have chosen to write about the roles of Life Coaches and a projected practice I aspire to one day develop or be a part of. Throughout this personal leadership plan, I will include keys points of interest of a Life Coach; objectives, values, and ethics I personally feel should be incorporated, as well as the role ethics play within the profession of Life Coaching. Coaches work in a variety of specializations (such as personal/life and corporate/business) in order to help their clients. Coaches are specifically trained in coaching through a school or mentor coach, and use/incorporate their individual life experience in their practice. Although each coach measures their progress differently, achievement is always measured by progress made by the coaches’ clients. Due to the personal nature of most coaching relationships, this Ethics Code provides the framework and values upon which professional coaches, bas e their practice. The purposes of this Code are threefold. First, it provides the broad principles and values to which coaches subscribe. These include confidentiality and the utmost concern for the welfare and success of the client. Secondly, it provides rules for coaches to use in many of the specific situations that a coach might encounter. Finally, this Code is meant to serve as a building block for the ethical and moral standards of coaches. While each individual coach agrees to follow this Code, they are encouraged to supplement and add to it in order to build a lifelong commitment to building an ethical workplace and profession. -Objectives- The primary objective of my life coaching practice would be as follows: 1. Provide a means for individual students and clients to evaluate their own ethical standards and behaviors and make adjustments if necessary to meet the established standards. 2. Provide a means for participants of the life coaching practice programs to evaluate the standards and practices used by their students and clients and to validate that participants are receiving professional and ethically soun d training  and development. 3. Provide a means for the life coaching practice to evaluate the standards and behaviors of students and clients to ensure a high ethical standard is being met. 4. Provide a means to educate the public and to promote the high ethical standards practiced by members of the life coaching practice. -Values- The profession of Life Coaching holds respect for the worth, dignity and capability of every human being as its primary value. Therefore, my life coaching practice shall not discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, color, language, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, physical and mental ability, economic condition or national ancestry. Furthermore, they shall work towards preventing and eliminating such discrimination in rendering service, in work assignments and in employment practices. The profession of Life Coaching affirms that all people have the right to well-being. In addition, all people have the right to learn the skills necessary for the development of human relationships and that each person has the right to self-determination with due regard to the rights of others. -Purpose for Code of Ethics- †¢ To define accepted/acceptable behaviors; †¢ To promote high standards of practice; †¢ To provide a benchmark for visitors, members and students to use for self evaluation; †¢ To establish a framework for professional behavior and responsibilities; †¢ As a vehicle for personal identity; †¢ As a mark of personal maturity; -Responsibility of Confidentiality- The commitment to confidentiality fosters open communication and is essential to effective Life Coaching work. Concerns about privacy and confidential matters can arise throughout the entire professional relationship. -Responsibility to Self- In private life or professional activity, an individual of the Life Coaching practices behavior reflects upon the profession as a whole. -Responsibility to Group and Individuals- Life Coaches should recognize their primary professional responsibility under all circumstances is to the  group and individuals they are serving. Life Coaches should recognize that they bear a considerable social responsibility because their recommendations and professional actions influence the lives of others. -Responsibility to the Profession- The Life Skills profession has a public responsibility to provide competent coaching services. Therefore, individual Life Coaches are encouraged to support and uphold ethical standards and behavior.   -Responsibility to the Community- As Life Coaches are viewed as role models in the communities in which they live and serve, their integrity and behavior reflect upon the profession as a whole. In closing, the profession of Life Coaching is one in which is rich with ethical and moral influence. It should be the Life Coaches primary concern and intent to deliver the utmost level of ethically, morally, and lawfully driven and derived advice and assistance to each and every client he/she works with. It is important to remember, that all lives deserve and have the right to receive the same level of value and respect. It is also vital to remember everyone is an individual, and should be treated as such. Each client as well as the past and present situations they have/are experiencing are unique, therefore there is not just one way to coach all clients.

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